Sunday 2 September 2012

The Fifth Chair is in France!

Story by Ivanna Lopez Gomez,12, based on the painting by Chris Van Allsburg, for a project in her school.
TITLE: The Seven Chairs CAPTION: “The fifth one ended up in France.” From the book:  “ The Mysteries of Harris Burdick”

Chapter 1

“It’s the fifth floating chair!” – said a man running out of the church. You could tell that he was traumatized just by looking at his face. It was all dirty as if he fell in dirt when he was running. He looked like he was crying out. He was too weak to make a tear. As he ran past me I could smell his sweat from running so fast. I went inside to see what was going on.

It was 1809. There had been a floating chair in 5 countries now. First was England. Then Spain. Then Germany. Then the United Stated. Now France.

As I was running inside the church, I heard millions of screams. I saw people running as if there was a horrible creature chasing them. I smelled the delicious food people dropped in fight. I tasted people anticipation to get out and mine to see what’s going on. I felt the wind coming from the church windows.

I stopped. I saw 2 men simply standing peacefully. Other then those 2 no one was there. I looked up. I saw a floating chair. But for the first time ever someone was sitting on the floating chair.

Monday 23 July 2012

Accomplice Pride

Photo by Viviana Gomez - All rights reserved
We are on our way before the city is complete awake. The air is crispy, new and fresh, anticipating a hot day that is not there yet. Everything is goldish bright, tinted with long shadows.
We are in the middle of downtown but we take the short cut through the parks and we feel like walking in a forest full of marvellous things ready to be discovered. The water sprinklers are finishing its last round and we dance a giggling dance to avoid get wet. One of the sprinklers is hitting a garbage can. “It is the cleanest garbage can of the city” – I say and he laughs.  The squirrels are following us from a shy distance hopping we have something for them, but we have nothing in the morning. When we come back, the rest of our lunches and snacks will be for them, for sure.
In the second park we spot a red winged black bird. We approach silently trying to get as close at it as possible. Finally the bird flies away showing us its beautiful red wings and he wows. We always see the same guy sitting in the same bench, working in his iPad and sometimes talking to his iPad; a lady practicing her movements of Tai Chi Chuan; the runners in colourist outfit; and the bikers in rude speed passing by too close.
And at the end of the last park we come across another parent in his way to drop his son to his summer camp. And I and the parent smile each other recognizing us in an accomplice pride.
by Viviana Gomez - July 23, 2012

Sunday 1 July 2012

De Contadora a Tarotista

by Viviana Gomez Julio 01, 2012

La pregunta no es quien ha experimentado algún fenómeno paranormal, sino quien no lo ha hecho.

Hace algunos meses vengo investigando el auge del fenómeno paranormal dividido entre la puja de escépticos y creyentes. Los dos pueden ser cerrados en sus opiniones y creencias, acusando a unos de fraude y a otros de necios, y es en este conflicto en  donde más aprendo.

Así fue que tuve la suerte de ser presentada con Ariana, gracias a una amiga en común. Ariana (prefirió no publicar su apellido) es una profesional que cuenta con la particularidad de haber sido una racional contadora y luego psicóloga para transformarse en una tarotista astróloga que ahora utiliza el arte de las mancias para ayudar a la gente. ¿Cómo fue su transición de un mundo tan racional a otro lleno de magia? Aquí lo cuenta:

Para mayor información sobre Ariana o para contactarse con ella lo pueden hacer via email a

¿Exactamente a que te dedicas?

Soy tarotista, pero justamente no muchas veces lo digo porque no siempre tiene buena recepción, esto tiene que ver con la cultura, no?
Generalmente me presento como astrologa, yo soy astrologa, tranquista o terapias alternativas. Porque dentro de lo que este tema esta más aceptado, pero yo me presento generalmente así y a mí me buscan por el Tarot.

Wednesday 13 June 2012


Posted by

Cuando ya no permita que cualquiera,
se haga dueño del perdón de mis errores.
Cuando no deje que la luz de mis virtudes,
encandile la verdad de mis defectos.
Cuando no pueda imaginarme una palabra,
que mis labios no se atrevan a decirte.
Y soñar no sea un esfuerzo.
Y desear, no pueda herirte.
Sabre que has regresado junto al árbol,
bajo el que me perdí ni bien partiste.

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Giró mi vida

Photo by Viviana Gomez - All rights reserved
Haiku by Hebeblue - July - 2003
Giró mi vida
y sobre tu mismo ser
                mi mundo voló...
Haiku: is a very short form of Japanese poetry typically characterised by three qualities:
  • The essence of haiku is the juxtaposition of two images or ideas and a kireji ("cutting word") between them. 
  • Traditional haiku consist of 17 sylables  in three phrases of 5, 7 and 5 on respectively. 
  • A kigo (seasonal reference), usually drawn from a saijiki, an extensive but defined list of such words. The majority of kigo, but not all, are drawn from the natural world. This, combined with the origins of haiku in pre-industrial Japan, has led to the inaccurate impression that haiku are necessarily nature poems

Saturday 5 May 2012

Luna Llena

Her body was wrapped in a blue aura. And dancing on the foam of the waves, took my hand, and we jump to the moon that since then has not stopped smiling.

Jesse Cook,Live in Metropolis..Prince of "Rumba Flamenca

Thursday 26 April 2012

The Runner

I was ready for my morning jogging when this woman jumped from nowhere in her aerodynamic outfit. She hit me on my arm, in a subtle but teasing way without apologies. I tried to reach her but she was too good and too fast. I must admit that I got obsessed with her. Every morning I tried to reach her without success, but I started to get closer and closer, training every morning, running behind her. Finally I got that day that I ran as fast as her. For the first time I was going to see her face and not only her back. What my surprise to find out that she had my face, my clothes, my way to run and to smile to myself understanding that she was just me.
Photo by Viviana Gomez - All rights reserved

by Viviana Gomez on Monday, July 27, 2009

Thursday 19 April 2012


Fuerza que hace que la semilla sueñe con un tallo, unas flores y unas hojas.

Fuerza que convence a la piedra que sin ella no existiría la montaña.

Fuerza que recuerda a las golondrinas que lugares mas cálidos esperan sus nidos.

Fuerza que unió tu alma a la mía, mientras nuestros cuerpos sin saberlo, caminan solos esta vida.

Friday 13 April 2012

Alas pensadas en tí

 Haiku by Hebeblue - July - 2003

Anhelado ser.

Alas pensadas en tí:

Extendidas en luz

Haiku: is a very short form of Japanese poetry typically characterised by three qualities:
  • The essence of haiku is the juxtaposition of two images or ideas and a kireji ("cutting word") between them.
  • Traditional haiku consist of 17 sylables  in three phrases of 5, 7 and 5 on respectively.
  • A kigo (seasonal reference), usually drawn from a saijiki, an extensive but defined list of such words. The majority of kigo, but not all, are drawn from the natural world. This, combined with the origins of haiku in pre-industrial Japan, has led to the inaccurate impression that haiku are necessarily nature poems.

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Historia No Oficial del Origen de la Empanada Salteña

by Viviana Gomez
Leyenda de los Amantes del Repulgue-

No esta muy claro el origen de la empanada argentina, pero una de las historias que atrapó mi atención fue la que da cuenta de la historia de Doña Juana Manuela Gorriti Zuviríala.

El General José Ignacio de Gorriti y Cueto (1770-1835), esposo de Doña Feliciana Zuviría, y padre de 8 hijos, pertenecia a una familia de alta alcurnia del Norte Argentino, de la Provincia de Salta del siglo antepasado y a la que le atribuyen el origen de la empanada salteña.

Don José Ignacio Gorriti, fue un importante militar, abogado y político, participante de las luchas por la independencia de la República Argentina, y ejércitos argentinos organizados para apoyar a la independencia de los países vecinos. Algunos años después, sin embargo su suerte cambia durante el mandato del General Juan Manuel de Rosas en Argentina. Gorriti fue perseguido por sus ideas políticas contrarias,  y en 1933, huyó a la cercana ciudad fronteriza boliviana de Tarija con su familia y con lo poco que pudo rescatar.

Monday 26 March 2012


Posted  by

Podría esperarte, con solo sentir el aleteo de tu amor.
Podría esperarte, con solo provocar tu sonrisa para sentirla una y otra vez dentro mío.
Podría esperarte bajo este cielo azul y sobre esta arena blanca.
Pero no tardes, porque cada hora, cada minuto cada segundo, el paisaje me va atrapando, incorporándome a él. 
Es que no sé cuanto podré resistir la tentación de convertirme en mar, y ya no poder siquiera imaginarte.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Sunday 11 March 2012

La Noche

La noche helada  
encendida de valor, 
 cabalga eterna. 

Haiku by Hebeblue - July - 2003

Haiku: is a very short form of Japanese poetry typically characterised by three qualities:
  • The essence of haiku is the juxtaposition of two images or ideas and a kireji ("cutting word") between them.
  • Traditional haiku consist of 17 sylables  in three phrases of 5, 7 and 5 on respectively.
  • A kigo (seasonal reference), usually drawn from a saijiki, an extensive but defined list of such words. The majority of kigo, but not all, are drawn from the natural world. This, combined with the origins of haiku in pre-industrial Japan, has led to the inaccurate impression that haiku are necessarily nature poems.

Wednesday 29 February 2012


El Tarot es una baraja de 78 cartas, es un método de adivinación e investigación de la psique, de la relación del hombre con el Universo. Se lo emplea para la meditación, en la práctica de la magia ritual, y además como poderoso agente psicoterapéutico en el análisis y consejos psicológicos. Máquina filosófica que impide al espíritu extraviarse, es la clave de todo el esoterismo occidental. El Tarot es un libro de filosofía hermética, escrito con imágenes y que expresa a traves de caracteres y números, ideas universales, sabiduría de todos los tiempos. Las imágenes reflejan como espejos lo que ese océano profundo y misterioso del inconsciente, sabe, y que la consciencia, ignora.

Uno se pierde en un viaje de auto conocimiento y auto desarrollo, entre locos, amantes emperatrices y magos. Nos subimos a la rueda de la fortuna con la ilusión que nos deposite al final de la escalera de la torre, en donde nos espera nuestro amado o amada. Para que la justicia divina nos bendiga con el calor del sol, y ya no nos alcance el juicio final. Bien en lo alto al fin podremos ver el mundo tal cual es y entender el porque de nuestro protagonismo.

Friday 17 February 2012

When Lullabies Can No Longer Be Heard.

By Viviana Gomez

The gods were so disappointed with the humans they had created that decided to finish them off. But one more chance would be given to the leaders of the people to save the human being. They had to show one fact, just one, why people would worth their existence. On the day marked to destroy the world a crowd gathered to see their leaders fight for them. One by one, they gave magnificent speeches, justifying their actions, even the most cruel ones, and they argued with great hability and  reasoning, the decision of every war. They exposed their achievements in science and technologies, glorifying their power, social order and beautiful cities with pride.
But nothing convinced the gods, and getting even more disappointed with the speeches they decided to finish the humanity. But then a baby started to cry in the crowd. The mother in an apologizes attitude asked for one more minute to calm down her baby and the gods agreed. So she sang a beautiful lullaby with such love without care about anything else but her baby, even though the world would end a minute later, that the gods were moved, and decided that the humans worth another chance. The humanity  will end -they declared- when lullabies can no longer be heard.

Friday 10 February 2012

Tantas Bocas

Haiku by Hebeblue - July - 2003

                              Frágil elixir:

                              Navegando temores

                              por tantas bocas.

Haiku: is a very short form of Japanese poetry typically characterised by three qualities:
  • The essence of haiku is the juxtaposition of two images or ideas and a kireji ("cutting word") between them.
  • Traditional haiku consist of 17 sylables  in three phrases of 5, 7 and 5 on respectively.
  • A kigo (seasonal reference), usually drawn from a saijiki, an extensive but defined list of such words. The majority of kigo, but not all, are drawn from the natural world. This, combined with the origins of haiku in pre-industrial Japan, has led to the inaccurate impression that haiku are necessarily nature poems.

Wednesday 1 February 2012


Puedes tenerme miedo, pues haré lo que quiera que quieras contigo. Puedes sentirte inseguro porque moveré tus cimientos hasta hacer que tambalees al borde de tu propia existencia. Puedes creer que me dominarás, lo harás hasta donde tu lo quieras y ahí será mi turno de doblegarte. Puedes sentir solo intriga, cuando me conozcan te sorprenderé, pues no tienes idea a que te enfrentas. Y sí, puedes pasar de mi, o creer que puedes, yo seguiré aquí muy tranquila, pues en el preciso momento en que dejes a tu corazón actuar sin razones, mi amor llenará el vacío donde tus temores residen y empezará nuestra historia a tejerse entrelazada, en la sana locura de entregarse al otro en la desnudez de nuestras propias almas.

By Jaqueline Vasquez Della Valle

Friday 27 January 2012

Just One...

by Viviana Gomez - January 16, 2012

Just one minute, one second, just one moment, one word, one touch, just one look, one whispering, one kiss, one almost kiss, just one I forgot, just one more secret, one turn around,  just one blink, one smile, one tear, one more sigh, just one more something, just one... before you fade out with my heart.

Saturday 21 January 2012

De Nortes y Sures

By Jaqueline Vasquez Della Valle

La cruz de los vientos le marcaba su destino, y el final que es principio de recuerdos, que se olvidan al inicio del tiempo. De nortes y sures, estes y oestes, vientos y tormentas de energía cargadas y distancias recorridas con sus botas gastadas. Un bastón de madera tallada y dibujada, de arabescos sagrados y formas y figuras de criaturas aladas, le enseñaron su vida, narrada en sintonía de dibujos corriendo por maderas nervadas. Y a ella vuelve cuando se olvida su origen, su vida y su destino, como el que vuelve a la fuente de donde sorbió el primer trago de una nueva vida, en el aire del recuerdo de vidas pasadas.

Wednesday 11 January 2012


Tonight I will lose myself in the dark. I will dress up like a shadow, I will go to your place, and I will sit at your table without being noticed. I will watch you having dinner, talking with your friends, going to sleep, and I will laid down in your bed beside you while you are falling asleep… and I will watch you asleep. And just before the first light of the dawn I will kiss you in your lips, with a long sweet kiss that will wake you up, and in that moment, I will fade out, disappearing in your belief that I was only a dream.

by Viviana Gomez - 26 Aug 2007

Sunday 8 January 2012

En el Aire de la Mañana

(A Coruña, Spain)

El aroma del café en la mañana despertaba sus sentidos, la arrojaba de lleno a la vida, para sentir nuevamente cada día, cada hora. Entraba en la cocina con pies descalzos y resabios de sueños. Su sonrisa lo inundaba todo, le daba la luz que necesitaba para distinguir las tazas, los platos, el aroma del pan tibio la invitaba a sentarse junto a él. Y entonces sentía sus brazos en su espalda, cerrando los ojos para que la imagen llenara su imaginación, clara y pura, para que la sensación se quedara con ella y la ayudara a enfrentar las horas antes de volver a soñar. Y así pasaba sus días, los que faltaban. esos días que temió tanto vivir cuando supo que quedaría sola, con su alma y su espíritu. Nadie sabía de sus trucos para engañar a la vida, ella sabía que no importaba lo que pensaran, si la mantenían respirando, esperando pacientemente cada amanecer como si fuera el último, o el primero antes de su despedida de un cuerpo que solo podía satisfacer con su imaginación y su respeto de seguir habitándolo mientras espera el momento en que la libere, en que ya no la necesite. Que más necesitada su alma que volar libre hacia el amor que quedó colgado en el aire que respira cada mañana.

Thursday 5 January 2012

Haiku Porteño

Obelisco, sol.

Empedrado brilloso.

Nonino late.

by Hebeblue
Buenos Aires - November 01, 2002

Haiku: is a very short form of Japanese poetry typically characterised by three qualities:
  • The essence of haiku is the juxtaposition of two images or ideas and a kireji ("cutting word") between them.
  • Traditional haiku consist of 17 sylables  in three phrases of 5, 7 and 5 on respectively.
  • A kigo (seasonal reference), usually drawn from a saijiki, an extensive but defined list of such words. The majority of kigo, but not all, are drawn from the natural world. This, combined with the origins of haiku in pre-industrial Japan, has led to the inaccurate impression that haiku are necessarily nature poems.
Porteño: in Spanish is used to refer to a person who is from or lives in a port city.

Sunday 1 January 2012

A Toast

Do you have something to regret about? There are people who's answer is "no". I don't belong to that group. I have plenty of regrets. And in this time of the ending year, when balances jump over our faces, those regrets, my regrets, are ready to torture me more than ever.

But then, having a wild dream of using a magic wand that would allow me to go back in my past and change anything I would want, I also find myself with the paradox that my worst choices, mistakes and fails, have caused in some mysterious ways, the best things of my life.

So, as weird as it could sound, especially for me, if I could have the power of that magic wand, I would be afraid to eliminate the worst and in the same time erase the best. I would be afraid of change also the tiniest thing of my past.

This revelation doesn't get rid of my torture, but … makes it more tolerable. So, let me propose a toast in this year that is ending and the next that is comming:

A toast for our achievement and our mistakes,
for our best and worst choices,
for our success and fails,
for what we built and we destroyed,
for our loves and our hates,
for our joys and our sorrows,
for our heroic acts and our betrays,
for the ones that we have saved and the ones that we've killed,
for our heaven and our hell,
in short, a toast for our prides,
and for our regrets...

chin chin!

by © Viviana Gomez on Wednesday, December 31, 2008 at 9:40am

Google Translator

It is your same moon, but upside down.


abandono (1) adios (1) alas (1) almas (2) amantes (3) amor (13) amore (1) amro (1) angel (1) arena (1) assignment (1) astrologia (1) baby (1) bocas (1) book (1) breakheart (1) Chris Van Allsburg (1) clandestin (1) come back (1) competition (1) corazon (2) corazon roto (1) cruz (1) cultura (1) dancing (1) dark (1) dealing (1) destino (1) dios (1) dream (1) egipto (1) elixir (1) empanadas (1) ending (1) english (2) espanol (1) esperar (1) espiritualidad (1) fantasy (1) following (1) future (1) gods (1) haiku (4) half room (1) heart (1) heartbreak (1) hebeblue (1) humanity (1) jesus (1) journalism (1) journey (1) juntos (1) love (10) lullaby (1) luz (1) magia (1) magic (1) mancias (1) mar (1) medio ambiente (1) meditacion (1) memories (1) moon (1) mother (1) mysteries (1) noche (1) Orinoquía (1) paisaje (1) paranormal (2) parent (1) park (1) partir. (1) photographer (1) poem (1) pride (1) psicologia (1) recuerdos (1) regreso (1) relaciones (1) relatiomship (2) relationship (2) relationships (1) religion (2) religion. (1) repulgue (1) roomates (1) runner (1) salteña (1) ser (2) shadow (1) snow (1) sombra (1) spanglish (1) spanish (4) sport (1) spring (1) stories (1) summer camp (1) tale (1) tarot (2) The fifth one ended up in France (1) tiempo (1) time (1) toronto (1) universo (1) valor (1) viaje (1) vida (2) volver (2) war (1) winning (1) winter (1) woman (1) writer (1) zilia castrillon (1)